Life is constant tension.
Constant tension between zooming in and zooming out.
Constant tension between the fisheye and the eye of the needle.
Knowing that moments play such huge roles in our lives, but that signal separates itself from noise only in the aggregate of moments.
Knowing that a tree is ultimately composed of forests, but also knowing that the tree and the forest are individual units and they occupy separate planes in the hierarchy of meaning.
Constant tension between the exhilarating tingle of meaning in a single data point, and the comforting smoothness of the meaning that is found in a summary of data points.
Knowing that life can only be lived momentously, one day at a time, one step at a time, but also knowing that living only for today without planning for the future or considering the past, is the primary way of life of the lower species.
Constant tension in trying to avoid particularizing from the general and trying to avoid generalizing from the particular.
Constant tension between the truth in false stereotypes and the slipperiness of great first impressions.
Constant tension between the nihilistic void of insignificance that comes with being just one in a vast sea of 8 billion(plus billions more from times past and times to come), and the overwhelming rush of vitality that comes from being truly and unconditionally loved by one.
Life is constant tension; sometimes swaying this way and sometimes swaying the other, but never fully letting go of either cord.
Life is constant tension and to live is to embrace it.