Thought as a service

British mathematician turned philosopher, Alfred North Whitehead, made the following statement that, over time, has matured into a famous quote: Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which…

William James on Habit

“When we look at living creatures from an outward point of view, one of the first things that strike us is that they are bundles of habits” “Plasticity, then, in…

Life is Constant Tension

Life is constant tension. Constant tension between zooming in and zooming out.  Constant tension between the fisheye and the eye of the needle. Knowing that moments play such huge roles…


I recently completed reading The Recollections Of Eugene P. Wigner and I highly recommend it to anyone who loves reading memoirs and biographies of scientists and mathematicians. Below are three themes…

Capitalism and its discontents

Capitalism 101 The capitalist system of economic organization works by mass producing consumer goods cheaply. The key argument here, in overly simplified terms, is that capitalism creates increasing amounts of value…

On Synonym Species

I once listened to someone speak and at a particular point in their sentence, I thought they were going to say something very inappropriate for the context we were in….

Follow The Money

In his book “Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy”, Economist, Sociologist and Philosopher Joseph Schumpeter put forth a hypothesis that a capitalist system will always attract the most talented individuals in the…